Here are tips to fight catalytic converter theft, other vehicle crimes


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Apr 30, 2023

Here are tips to fight catalytic converter theft, other vehicle crimes

A statewide campaign seeks to stop catalytic converter theft and other vehicle

A statewide campaign seeks to stop catalytic converter theft and other vehicle crimes.

The Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority and the Insurance Council of Texas launched the awareness campaign, which encourages Texans to "Lock It Down!" as vehicle-related crimes surge across the state.

"Texas currently ranks second in the country for the largest number of motor vehicle crimes, with more than 65,000 cars and trucks stolen and nearly 200,000 burglarized every year," Rich Johnson, Insurance Council of Texas director of communications and public affairs, said in a news release. "This campaign is designed to amplify awareness of these issues and empower community members with simple, highly-effective ways to help prevent motor vehicle crime – such as remembering to always lock your vehicle."

More: El Paso police say 2 men caught stealing broken down car's catalytic converter along I-10

The top anti-vehicle theft and burglary prevention tips are:

In addition to thefts within vehicles, there have been more than 65,000 reported incidents of stolen vehicle parts in Texas, totaling in excess of $95 million, according to the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority.

More:Ongoing El Paso police operation targeting catalytic converter thefts results in arrest

Catalytic converters are a common stolen part due to the precious metals they hold, the news release said. Commercial vehicles and those with higher ground clearance often are targeted due to their easy accessibility to thieves.

Tips for prevention of catalytic converter theft are:

Other types of vehicle fraud include:

More: El Paso auto thefts soaring amid rising crime

For more information, visit, or follow the campaign at and

The Insurance Council of Texas is a nonprofit trade association that promotes the property and casualty insurance industry. Learn more at

The Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority is a program within the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles established in 1991 by the Texas Legislature to combat motor vehicle theft, burglary and fraud-related motor vehicle crime.

For more information, visit

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