Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration


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Jul 21, 2023

Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration

The Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) is a ceramic brick with tiny passages that

The Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) is a ceramic brick with tiny passages that do two things. First, they trap the particulates or soot in the exhaust. Second, these passages create the surface area for the precious metal that helps to burn or break down the particulates. Think of it as a catalytic converter that traps and oxidizes particulates in the exhaust. But, the DPF regenerates in intervals rather than all the time like those found on gasoline vehicles.

Soot is a byproduct of incomplete combustion of diesel fuel and engine oil. It is 98 percent carbon by weight. These carbon molecules are stick and they like to stick to each other and form larger particles that are called particulate. These large particles are toxic to living organisms and harmful to the environment. The reason why diesel engines are more prone to generate soot is that diesel fuel is denser than gasoline and the diesel fuel is ignited using compression rather than spark ignition. To unstick the carbon molecules in a soot particle, they must be oxidized using heat higher than found in the combustion chamber.

Diesel cars and trucks manufactured after 2009 must have a DPF. The drawback to all of this is that the DPF needs to be cleaned regularly. The soot particles attach themselves to the lining of the DPF while the engine is running. At the same time, the filter is slowly clogging with the very particulates that it's designed to remove from the exhaust. This process of cleaning the DPF is done through a process called regeneration. There are several different methods used by various manufacturers to clean the DPF.

Passive RegenerationPassive self-regeneration is completely transparent to the operator and does not affect the machine's operation or performance. The only indication when a passive regeneration cycle has been activated is either an exhaust temperature warning light indicating the exhaust temperature is higher than normal or a message stating a regeneration cycle is in the process, or both.

Active RegenerationActive self-regeneration occurs when there is not sufficient heat in the exhaust to convert the PM being collected in the DPF. The active regeneration is self-activated by the PCM based on various inputs. The PCM sends a command to raise the exhaust temperatures by adding a small amount of injected raw fuel upstream of the DPF. The chemical reaction of the precious metals in the DPF and the raised exhaust gas temperatures oxidizes the PM from the filter.

Stationary (Parked) RegenerationStationary, or parked, regeneration is the same as active regeneration but takes place while the vehicle is not being driven. This is either driver induced or done with a scan tool. There are times when the driver will need to perform a manual or "parked" regeneration on the side of the road. This may be because they canceled an earlier regeneration, or an automatic regeneration had started, but was interrupted. In some cases, the regeneration is "forced" onto the driver for ignoring an earlier request to perform a parked regeneration by causing the vehicle to go into limp mode. A lot of times, a warning light or message will tell the driver to pull over and begin a parked regeneration. This usually involves the driver setting the parking brake and engaging a switch to start the process.

Stationary (Parked) Regeneration PrecautionsDue to the high heat created during the regeneration cycle, when performing a parked regeneration or a scan tool-induced regeneration cycle, follow these simple rules to avoid any outside interference. Stay clear of combustibles and people.

Filter FailuresSome diesel exhaust filter failures are a result of not allowing the regeneration to take place. This will inadvertently clog the DPF to the point that replacement is the only option. Although it can be cleaned to some degree, a portion of functionality is still lost due to the severity of the restriction. Another problem is when it is in regeneration and the excess heat combined with the clog causes the metal casing of the DPF to expand and rupture. Which, of course, means the only solution is to replace the DPF. The DPF requires professional cleaning every 150,000–250,000 miles or 5000 hours.

Regeneration MonitoringOn some vehicles, the monitoring is done by way of a pressure sensor that measures the input and output pressures of the DPF. Others use mileage or an engine hour counter. On most vehicles, there is a way to shut off the regeneration process if you are in a situation where raising the exhaust system's temperature could cause a fire. But, don't leave it off or permanent damage can be caused to the DPF.

RegenerationRegeneration can only happen when the conditions are within the preset specifications for that motor and manufacturer's needs. In general, most regeneration cycles are handled without the driver knowing they are taking place. The regeneration process occurs by raising the temperature of the DPF to around 1,100°F (600°C) and enough oxygen is provided directly to the DPF. Some systems will inject extra fuel into the cylinder on the exhaust stroke which effectively sends hot gasses into the oxidation catalyst of the DPF, raising its temperature sufficiently to cause the carbon to react with the excess oxygen that was also provided. Other systems rely on a heating element just in front of the DPF to raise the temperature.

The regeneration process will continue until the pressure differential across the DPF (input and output) drops to an acceptable level. Should the driving circumstances change, for instance, the car comes to a halt and the regeneration is abandoned until the conditions once again become suitable. Regeneration can be a noisy affair, as the engine revs up to 4,000 RPM for four minutes or more, then goes to 2,000 RPM for an additional four minutes or more. When the regeneration has completed, the vehicle will return to its normal idle, and the service light will go back off.

Forced/Manual RegenerationOn some vehicles it is possible to force or manual DPF regeneration cycle with a scan tool. Before the regeneration cycle is started, make sure the vehicle can undergo a regeneration cycle. Basic checks for coolant and oil level should be performed. The fuel level should be at least a quarter of a tank or the manufacturer's specification so the regeneration process can start.

This procedure should be performed outside of the shop. On some Ford applications the vacuum from the exhaust collector will alter backpressure readings. Make sure the underside of the vehicle is clear along with the area of the exhaust tip.

The best advice is to follow the procedures on the scan tool and service information to the letter. If it says to put the vehicle in neutral, follow this instruction.

Regeneration ProblemsProblems arise when successive regenerations are abandoned, and the soot levels build to a point where the DPF clogs and can't be regenerated on its own. Short trips and stop-and-go traffic might not allow the DPF to get up to temperature. When this happens, the driver is notified by a flashing DPF warning light. If the warning light is ignored, then a second warning appears which can cause the vehicle to go into limp mode. In limp mode, the vehicle will not operate over 5 or 10 mph and will remain that way until it has been properly serviced using a scanner to perform the regeneration process.

Passive Regeneration Active Regeneration Stationary (Parked) Regeneration Stationary (Parked) Regeneration Precautions Filter Failures Regeneration Monitoring Regeneration Forced/Manual Regeneration Regeneration Problems